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Posts by Brad Talley

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2 Peter 1:5-15


Pursue Holiness...

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Daniel 12


A Sovereign and Faithful God, and His Faithful People...

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Daniel 11:36-45


The Rise and Destruction of the Antichrist...

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2 Timothy 1:6-7

Dealing with Debilitating Fear...

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Daniel 11:21-35, Part 2


Enduring Persecution as God's People, Part 2...

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Daniel 11:21-35


Enduring Persecution as God's People, Part 1...

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Additional Notes for Daniel 9:20-27


Additional Notes on Daniel's Seventy Weeks...

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Daniel 7 - The Four Beasts


Daniel 7 - The Four Beasts, Extra Notes...

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Four Views about the Millennium

Four Views about the Millennium Revelation 20:1-10...

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Abide in Jesus Part 3; John 15:1-17

This video is part three of a three-part sermon series on John 15:1-17 from Pastor Brad Talley. Part one was released on Sunday, April 19th, and part two was released on Tuesday, April 21st. ...

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Abide in Jesus Part 2; John 15:1-17

This video is part two of a three-part sermon series on John 15 from Pastor Brad Talley. Part one was released on Sunday, April 19th. Part three will release on Thursday, April 23rd. ...

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Preaching the Gospel to Yourself Every Day

Pastor Brad reflects on how quarantine life affords space to preach the gospel to oneself daily. ...

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Reflect on the Goodness of God

Pastor Brad encourages the Grace Family to reflect on the goodness of God....

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Lean into Jesus

Pastor Brad encourages the church to lean into Jesus...

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Online Worship Service Invitation

There will be a worship service available to watch online at 10:00 am. Sunday morning. See this video from Pastor Brad for more information. ...

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Our God is a Mighty Fortress

This devotion on Psam 46 was sent to Home Groups who would be gathering while our Sunday services are suspended to help stop the spread of COVID-19....

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Grace Family - oh, how things change in a week!

Grace Family - oh, how things change in a week! We take great comfort in the truth of Hebrews 13:1-8, which ends with "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." The book of Hebrews was written to Jewish believers who faced imminent death because of their belief in Jesus. Hebrews 13:5-6 quotes Deuteronomy 31:6, 8 (which ended the letter from the elders that...

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