Additional Notes for Daniel 9:20-27


Additional Notes for Daniel 9:20-27

Eschatology – the field of Christian theology which concerns the study of last things. It is the study of Christ’s future return, the resurrection, the rapture, the final judgment, the eternal blessedness of the redeemed with Christ, and the eternal punishment of the damned apart from his presence.              Alan Bandy

Apocalyptic (Literature)
➢ Apocalypse – Gr., apokalypsis
➢ Revelation 1:1 The Revelation (apokalypsis) of Jesus Christ
➢ Apokalypsis: unveiling; revelation
➢ Symbolism is important – coded language
➢ Themes include judgment and salvation, and the sovereignty and supremacy of God for the good of his people

God’s Purpose for the Seventy Weeks in Daniel 9:24

To finish the transgression
           To put an end to sin
                      To atone for iniquity
To bring in everlasting righteousness
              To seal both vision and prophet
                            To anoint a most holy (place)

Arrangement of Daniel’s Seventy Weeks

Seven weeks                   49 years
Sixty-two weeks              434 years
One week (in 2 halves)        7 years
Total                                 490 years

Important Dates

538 B.C. Daniel’s vision and Cyrus’ decree that Jews could return to Jerusalem (some say this occurred in 539 B.C.)
515 B.C. Rebuilding of the 2nd Temple completed
458 B.C. (some say 457 B.C. – see The Literal View, below) Artaxerxes I’s decree provides for refurbishing of the temple and enforcement of worshiping Yahweh (Ezra 7:1-6)
445 B.C. Artaxerxes I’s approval of Nehemiah’s design to rebuild Jerusalem (Nehemiah 2:1-8)
A.D. 26 Jesus’ ministry begins
A.D. 30 Jesus is crucified (and resurrected, of course!)
A.D. 70 Titus destroys the temple
A.D. 135 Hadrian destroys Jerusalem

Three Views of the Seventy Weeks

Symbolic View of the 70 Weeks
Ralph Davis 

1. The first seven weeks – a time when hope returns; the people return to the land and
rebuild the temple
2. The sixty-two weeks – a time when life goes on; the city is rebuilt, but times are difficult
3. The last week – a time when clouds gather
- 3 ½ years – from Jesus’ baptism to his crucifixion
- 3 ½ years – from cutting off of the Messiah (his crucifixion in A.D. 30) to the destruction of the temple and the city (in A.D. 70)

The Literal View of the Seventy Weeks
Rodney Stortz

1. The first seven weeks and the sixty-two weeks are combined, equaling 483 years
2. These years occurred between Artaxerxes I’s decree to rebuild Jerusalem (457 B.C.) and Jesus’ baptism (A.D. 26) – 483 years
3. The last week is broken into two parts
- 3 ½ years from Jesus’ baptism and his crucifixion
- 3 ½ years from Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection until the dispersion of the church from Jerusalem through persecution

The Futuristic View of the Seventy Weeks
Stephen Miller

1. Seven weeks and sixty-two weeks are combined totaling sixty-nine weeks, or 483 years. These years occurred between 458 or 457 B.C. and A.D. 26, when Jesus’ began his earthly ministry
2. The gap in Daniel 9 between the sixty-ninth week and the seventieth week is explained by the church age. The seventieth week begins after Jesus’ crucifixion and the destruction of Jerusalem.
3. The last week is the future Tribulation when God will deal with Israel again. The
Antichrist strikes a deal with religious Jews and the temple is rebuilt. Halfway through
the Tribulation (3 ½ years), the Antichrist stops the sacrifices and viciously persecutes
believers and Jews.


1. God responded favorably to Daniel’s confession of sin, and he will hear your confession as well
2. Gabriel came to Daniel at the time of the evening sacrifice (3 PM), about the time of day that Jesus died for sinners; biblically directed spiritual routines are vital to your spiritual wellbeing
3. God keeps his promises, and his promises in Jesus are always Yes! (2 Cor 1:19)
4. In the end, the one who opposes God and his people will be destroyed; when that
happens, we will all say Hallelujah!